Navigating through Environmental Laws, Regulations, and Permitting

Places Associates, Inc. also provides environmental consulting services to builders; architects; institutional, municipal, government, corporate, and commercial land developers; Conservation Commissions; and other Town Boards throughout Massachusetts for the purpose of compliance assistance with local, state and federal wetlands protection and other resource protection laws.

Throughout our years of experience with local, state, and federal environmental permitting processes, we are accustomed to providing the level of detail and the accountability required for successful projects in areas protected by environmental laws and regulations. Strong working relationships with specialist sub-consultants – such as wildlife habitat specialists, licensed site professionals, and geotechnical engineers – allow us to address any issue that may arise.

Our Environmental Consulting Services

Wetlands Delineations

Hydric Soil Identification and Historic Wetlands Delineation

Wetlands Creation, Restoration, Replication, & Mitigation Plans

Permitting Under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, and Local Wetlands By-laws

Chapter 401Waterways Permits

Army Corps of Engineers Permits

Riverfront Resource Area Studies

MEPA Permitting: Environmental Notification Forms (ENFs) and Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs)

NEPA: National Environmental Policy Application

Vernal Pool Identification and Certification

Stormwater Management Plans

Erosion and Sedimentation Control Design

Project Review and Construction Inspections for Municipalities

US EPA National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)

Low Impact Development (LID)Techniques

Analysis of Appropriate Best Management Practices (BMP)

US EPA Multi-Sector General Permits (MSGP)